
Engineered cell culture microenvironments for mechanobiology studies of brain neural cells

Year: 2022
First Author: Ransanz
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Functionalized Microgel Rods Interlinked into Soft Macroporous Structures for 3D Cell Culture

Year: 2022
First Author: Rommel
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Desmin intermediate filaments and tubulin detyrosination stabilize growing microtubules in the cardiomyocyte

Year: 2022
First Author: Salomon
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Curved Nanofiber Network Induces Cellular Bridge Formation to Promote Stem Cell Mechanotransduction

Year: 2022
First Author: Sun
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Annealing High Aspect Ratio Microgels into Macroporous 3D Scaffolds Allows for Higher Porosities and Effective Cell Migration

Year: 2022
First Author: Suturin
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Pressure and stiffness sensing together regulate vascular smooth muscle cell phenotype switching

Year: 2022
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Extracellular stiffness induces contractile dysfunction in adult cardiomyocytes via cell-autonomous and microtubule-dependent mechanisms

Year: 2022
First Author: Vite
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Matrix stiffness exacerbates the proinflammatory responses of vascular smooth muscle cell through the DDR1-DNMT1 mechanotransduction axis

Year: 2022
First Author: Wang
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Hydrogels derived from decellularized liver tissue support the growth and differentiation of cholangiocyte organoids

Year: 2022
First Author: Willmse
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Soft substrates promote direct chemical reprogramming of fibroblasts into neurons

Year: 2022
First Author: Xu
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Self-Organization Formation of Multicellular Spheroids Mediated by Mechanically Tunable Hydrogel Platform: Toward Revealing the Synergy of Chemo- and Noninvasive Photothermal Therapy against Colon Microtumor

Year: 2022
First Author: Zhang
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Stress Relaxation-Induced Colon Tumor Multicellular Spheroid Culture Based on Biomimetic Hydrogel for Nanoenzyme Ferroptosis Sensitization Evaluation

Year: 2022
First Author: Zhang
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