
In Situ Regulation and Mechanisms of 3D Matrix Stiffness on the Activation and Reversion of Hepatic Stellate Cells

Year: 2023
First Author: Chen
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Patient-derived extracellular matrix demonstrates role of COL3A1 in blood vessel mechanics

Year: 2023
First Author: Doherty
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Lung Micrometastases Display ECM Depletion and Softening While Macrometastases Are 30-Fold Stiffer and Enriched in Fibronectin

Year: 2023
First Author: Narciso
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Tumor decellularization reveals proteomic and mechanical characteristics of the extracellular matrix of primary liver cancer

Year: 2023
First Author: van Tienderen
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Modelling metastatic colonization of cholangiocarcinoma organoids in decellularized lung and lymph nodes

Year: 2023
First Author: van Tienderen
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Mechanical response of cardiac microtissues to acute localized injury

Year: 2022
First Author: Das
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Comparison of macroscale and microscale mechanical properties of fresh and fixed-frozen porcine colonic tissue

Year: 2022
First Author: McCarty
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Modulation of human iPSC-derived hepatocyte phenotype via extracellular matrix microarrays

Year: 2022
First Author: Monckton
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Curved Nanofiber Network Induces Cellular Bridge Formation to Promote Stem Cell Mechanotransduction

Year: 2022
First Author: Sun
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Modeling the epithelial-mesenchymal transition process in a 3D organotypic cervical neoplasia

Year: 2020
First Author: De Gregorio
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Intrinsic Abnormalities of Cystic Fibrosis Airway Connective Tissue Revealed by an In Vitro 3D Stromal Model

Year: 2020
First Author: Mazio
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Extracellular Matrix Stiffness and Composition Regulate the Myofibroblast Differentiation of Vaginal Fibroblasts

Year: 2020
First Author: Ruiz-Zapata
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