
The viscoelastic characteristics of in-vitro carotid plaque by Kelvin-Voigt fractional derivative modeling

Year: 2022
First Author: Zhou
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Aqueous friction behavior of swollen hydrophilic poly(ethylene glycol)-based polyurethane coatings

Year: 2021
First Author: Albers
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Extracellular matrix stiffness controls VEGF165 secretion and neuroblastoma angiogenesis via the YAP/RUNX2/SRSF1 axis

Year: 2021
First Author: Bao
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Platelet-Derived Extracellular Vesicles Increase Col8a1 Secretion and Vascular Stiffness in Intimal Injury

Year: 2021
First Author: Bao
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Tunable Human Myocardium Derived Decellularized Extracellular Matrix for 3D Bioprinting and Cardiac Tissue Engineering

Year: 2021
First Author: Basara
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Advanced ADA-GEL bioink for bioprinted artificial cancer models

Year: 2021
First Author: Bednarzig
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Optical interferometry based micropipette aspiration provides real-time sub-nanometer spatial resolution

Year: 2021
First Author: Berardi
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The influence of substrate stiffness on osteogenesis of vascular smooth muscle cells

Year: 2021
First Author: Chen
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Cobalt-containing calcium phosphate induces resorption of biomineralized collagen by human osteoclasts

Year: 2021
First Author: de Melo Pereira
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Force-induced changes of α-catenin conformation stabilize vascular junctions independently of vinculin 

Year: 2021
First Author: Duong
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Chlorite oxidized oxyamylose differentially influences the microstructure of fibrin and self assembling peptide hydrogels as well as dental pulp stem cell behavior

Year: 2021
First Author: EzEldeen
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Anisotropic Mechanical Properties of the Human Uterus Measured by Spherical Indentation

Year: 2021
First Author: Fang
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