
AFM-based indentation method for measuring the relaxation property of living cells

Year: 2021
First Author: Sheng
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Role of soft-gel substrates on bouncing–merging transition in drop impact on a liquid film

Year: 2021
First Author: Shin
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Constructing a biomimetic nanocomposite with the in situ deposition of spherical hydroxyapatite nanoparticles to induce bone regeneration – Journal of Materials Chemistry B (RSC Publishing)

Year: 2021
First Author: Song
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Assessment of nanoindentation in stiffness measurement of soft biomaterials: kidney, liver, spleen and uterus

Year: 2021
First Author: Wu
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Comparison of Chondrocytes in Knee Osteoarthritis and Regulation by Scaffold Pore Size and Stiffness

Year: 2021
First Author: Zhao
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Histopathological and biomechanical changes in soft palate in response to non-ablative 9.3-μm CO2 laser irradiation: an in vivo study

Year: 2020
First Author: Badreddine
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Nanoindentation of Calcified and Non-calcified Components of Atherosclerotic Tissues

Year: 2020
First Author: Cahalane
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Mechanical properties of anterior lens capsule assessed with AFM and nanoindenter in relation to human aging, pseudoexfoliation syndrome, and trypan blue staining

Year: 2020
First Author: Efremov
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Effect of Nonphosphorus Corrosion Inhibitors on Biofilm Pore Structure and Mechanical Properties

Year: 2020
First Author: Huang
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Micromechanical poroelastic and viscoelastic properties of ex-vivo soft tissues

Year: 2020
First Author: Islam
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Tunable swelling and deswelling of temperature- and light-responsive graphene oxide-poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) composite hydrogels

Year: 2020
First Author: Li
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Polymer microneedles with interconnected porous structures via a phase inversion route for transdermal medical applications

Year: 2020
First Author: Liu
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