
Oncogenic RAS instructs morphological transformation of human epithelia via differential tissue mechanics

Year: 2021
First Author: Nyga
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Topographic Cues Guiding Cell Polarization via Distinct Cellular Mechanosensing Pathways

Year: 2021
First Author: Liu
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A Unified Linear Viscoelastic Model of the Cell Nucleus Defines the Mechanical Contributions of Lamins and Chromatin

Year: 2020
First Author: Wintner
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Cell spheroid fusion: beyond liquid drops model

Year: 2020
First Author: Kosheleva
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Depletion of Vasohibin 1 Speeds Contraction and Relaxation in Failing Human Cardiomyocytes

Year: 2020
First Author: Chen
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Development of label-free biophysical markers in osteogenic maturation

Year: 2020
First Author: Bartolozzi
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Modeling atrial fibrosis in vitro—Generation and characterization of a novel human atrial fibroblast cell line

Year: 2020
First Author: Kunzel
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Adverse effects of Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol on neuronal bioenergetics during postnatal development

Year: 2020
First Author: Beiersdorf
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