
Myonuclear alterations associated with exercise are independent of age in humans

Year: 2023
First Author: Battey
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Orientation-dependent indentation reveals the crosslink-mediated deformation mechanisms of collagen fibrils

Year: 2023
First Author: Ostadi Moghaddam
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Cyclical compression loading is the dominant mechanoregulator of synovial joint morphogenesis

Year: 2023
First Author: Godivier
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Extracellular matrix stiffness controls VEGF165 secretion and neuroblastoma angiogenesis via the YAP/RUNX2/SRSF1 axis

Year: 2021
First Author: Bao
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Platelet-Derived Extracellular Vesicles Increase Col8a1 Secretion and Vascular Stiffness in Intimal Injury

Year: 2021
First Author: Bao
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The influence of substrate stiffness on osteogenesis of vascular smooth muscle cells

Year: 2021
First Author: Chen
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